'Can't you just induce labor doctor?'

Waiting, and waiting...

Looks like these new USDA loans are taking almost 8 times as long to process lately. When most loan approvals come back within 3 days, we've been waiting over 2 weeks. And the underwriter just now started reviewing our application. We had to sign an extension to our contract so that the seller wouldn't bail out on us. Just a tip, if you are applying for a home loan anytime soon, make sure the closing time is 60 days or longer!

I feel pregnant! I feel like I did in those last few weeks as my due date got closer and closer and then got left behind as I groaned under the strain of my acrobatic infant. I just want it to be over, or at least to know a definite date so I can prepare!

My house is cleaned and ready to pack. Our landlords have been notified, and we are ready for that phone call telling us that we can look forward to closing soon!

It's driving me slowly to a nervous breakdown...
