It feels good to finally breathe again.
And I feel like I'm just now really experiencing what breathing is all about.
We've left the old life behind and adjusted to our new surroundings so perfectly. I assumed there would be some difficulty in getting used to a new house. There always had been adjustments in the past. But this place feels like home. And it seems to like us being here too!
Our first weekend was a busy one right out of the box. We combed the property and found things that needed to be changed, things that needed attention. I don't think this house has really been lived in over the past decade. I believe the gentleman who was here kept the house from falling apart just enough, but everything has been left to the wild outside. And inside was very empty when we first were looking. Once the house was full and we moved on to the outside, it was like everything came to life.
All of the shrubs have lacked blooms for the last 5 years or so (according to the neighbors). This year, everything is starting to bloom. It probably helps that we spent most of the first Saturday trimming the honeysuckle off of all the Azaleas and Rose of Sharons. We discovered a Rhododendron under a mass of vines that needed some sunlight. And it has budded out considerably in just one week.

Jake started on my Birthday present last weekend. He tilled up a beautiful patch of earth and we added compost. It is ready to plant as soon as the weather turns. I'm so eager to get things growing. But this has to be the most relaxed I've ever felt in my life. I know there is so much work ahead. But I feel so content in that knowledge. I will have to change my lifestyle, break some habits (like the internet). But I think it will ultimately be the most rewarding thing in my life. And my Husbands, and my Sons. As we step out to live more simply. Or, as I prefer... more Abundantly.
that primrose is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteand evil puppy! LOL :D Crinos is so cute! :D