Adventures in Patience

The 'Urrgh' seed from last weeks installment. Looking good!

Patience has never been one of my virtues. If a seed packet says 'germination in 4-8 days' I start poking around if they don't sprout on day 4. I'm going to have to curb that. And so far have been successful. We now have many seedlings popping up! The corn is unstoppable so I figure we will do well with those. The beans and peas are slowly but surely popping up. The recent deluge of rain stunted things, but the one day of sun we had yesterday really got things hopping.

Thoroughly soaked, but holding on very well!

So now, other than the daily tour around the plot to pull weeds and sucker tomatoes, I'm trying to focus indoors. But I have my housework done by mid-morning and I'm getting a little...well...bored. I'm looking forward to the harvest days when I'll be shelling and blanching and canning. But that is down the road a couple of months. Maybe that is why we do our big cleans in Spring? Well, the move was my big clean, so what now?

I get visited by these very special creatures daily here

I figure I can go back to my quilting and sewing in the meantime and try to pick up a new skill or hobby. No idea what for now since my pockets are empty. Any ideas?

Isn't he adorable??! I'm a proud Mommy...

Evan turned the big TWO last month and he is changing a little more each day. He is now focused on trucks and the occasional muscle car (just like his daddy!) He got a new soccer ball for his big day and he has surprised us by being a real pro at kicking it around the yard. Though chasing the cats and the occasional bunny is his real passion. (Which we discourage!) He is very interested in what Mommy is doing in the garden. I'm thinking about planting a couple of seeds in a cup for him to show him how things grow. Then we can transplant them into a special corner of the garden so he can see the fruits of his labor. Hey, next year I might have cultivated a little helper!
