The garden is booming, but for goodness sake, please, can some of these tomatoes turn red??? I have at least two bushels of tomatoes just sitting on the vines right now. Green. I'm anxious to get them off the plants due to the bird/bug factor. But my hands are tied until they turn. So turn already!!

The great shell pea experiment was a failure. It is just too hot for them out there. We are planning to put them on the north-west side of the yard next year which gets much less sun.
Everything else, however, is fruiting. (except the corn of course) I'm dreaming of canned salsa, stewed tomatoes, and pasta sauce, home made pickles and mounds of steamed green beans. Jake is asking me to pickle the crab apples we have out back too. I guess I should just enjoy this calm before the storm. Much work lies ahead!
how cute is he?!? OMG!