Finally, my first vegetable from the garden. I pulled off a large cucumber today and savored it over lunch. I don't think I have ever tasted anything so exquisite! It was a lucky pick since my cucumbers have been recently ravaged by cucumber and mexican bean beetles. I have been going out nightly to pick them off individually in an effort to curb their devastation.
Otherwise, my garden is on the brink of me being so immensely busy canning and freezing that I don't know when I will have time for anything else! Tomatoes are hanging swollen and green in the sun and I hope they will ripen soon. I MUST have a tomato sandwich soon. Pea pods are filling up with round green peas and I am sure I will be shelling for a long time to get them all done.
I took an unannounced week off due to family gatherings and the aftermath cleanup that followed. Copious amounts of potato salad and sweet tea was consumed, and children chased fireflies around the perimeter of the garden. This is becoming a most fulfilling life.

glad your garden is doing so well! :D