Up and Growing

Blue columbine. My favorite flower and my charge in the SCA

So spring is finally in full swing here in the valley. We did have a frost last week. And I had just transplanted every single tomato I have, 55 plants in all. I had to drag out the bedsheets and cover it all up. No casualties to date so I think we are on easy street now. 

So aside from the Okra and my constantly sewn Carrots, the garden is completely in. Everything is popping up! I have a row of green beans that I put in at the beginning of April that surprisingly is doing well despite the cold nights. So I expect an early run that will be followed by the seasonably planted beans beside them. Cucumbers are coming up as well. No corn or watermelon seedlings yet, but I expect to see them soon. Perhaps after the rain we expect early on this week.

I did plant some early radish and carrots in March and have plucked all of the radishes up. Leaving the carrots nicely spaced in the pots. An early run of carrots will be most welcome!

So hooray to my first harvest of the season! (And yes, they were delicious!)
