Resiliance - Finally Spring

This morning I continued my weekly routine that consisted of watering my houseplants and all of the seedlings I have started for my summer garden. A favorite routine is to care for my african violets shown above on the bathroom windowsill. I have always been fond of them since I was very little. My grandmother had several that were very large and healthy. And very very old. A couple had been my great-grandmothers. I was supposed to inherit them to continue the line, but after a fight with Alzheimers, my grandmother let them go and they withered away. 
The house we had across town had almost zero sunlight, so african-violets were a no no. But our new house has a perfect west facing window so I purchased my first violet the week that we moved in. I purchased a second violet on the anniversary of our closing and I plan to make it a tradition to get a new violet for each year. Hopefully these will continue to grow big and strong so that they can mark the happy occasion of when we started this new simple life. 

My seedlings are doing alright. The bell peppers are beautiful! But I had put the tomatoes and brassicas outside last week to get a little dappled sunlight but it was too much for them. They are a little ragged but I hope they will survive.

Some leaves have yellowed but are getting greener daily. There is a rush of new growth on all of the seedlings that is lush and green. The resiliance of plants always astounds me. But they can be delicate too. Too much sun, water, or wind can kill them in a couple of short hours. I'll not make the mistake of setting them out in the sun too early. Hopefully it will make these seedlings stronger in the long run. I haven't lost one yet!

In closing, I would like to start a new routine of blogging bi-weekly if not weekly. And each post will feature a meal from that week before. Above is my favorite quick "worked all day" meal that feels like junk food but tastes so much better and is loads healthier. French bread pizza is a treat in our house. Last night I used fresh garlic marinara, thinly sliced leeks, portabella mushrooms, feta, pepperoni, and a nice sprinkling of mozzarella and basil. I put it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes and got perfection! What is your favorite quick meal? Homemade or store bought?  


  1. We like breakfast for dinner around here if we need something quick. I also make a quick black bean soup that the family likes.
    I love your pretty violets!

  2. We do breakfast once a week too. Mainly because Jake doesn't eat big breakfasts and I need my pancake fix once a week!


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