A Satisfying Life

A sample of my daily collection of eggs

I've been overly contemplative as of late. With the new year, I think we all look at the past years of our lives and consider the great changes and experiences we have gone through.  Some of us look at our lives and wonder what it all means, or if we will ever be truly happy. I have in the past fallen into that majority group of people who believe material wealth is the secret to happiness. I think I have come to the conclusion that instead, the simple life is the true path to joy. To a satisfying lifestyle full of purpose and a feeling of well being. 

I have always been a black sheep. A person who didn't follow the rules and questioned everything I read, saw, and experienced as much as possible. To the great irritation of many! When looking at immense and wealthy neighborhoods as a child, my family would marvel at this great rich lifestyle. Instead I would express my desire to have a small cabin on a farm with people I love. When asked by my guidance counselor what I wanted to be when I grew up, I answered that I wanted to be a mother and housewife. (Which was VERY much frowned upon and led to many a lecture!!)

A lacework shawl.

And here I am. After years of trying to fit into the roles that were laid out for me, I come around full circle to the life I had always wanted.

I do get frowned upon for my old fashioned lifestyle. It has become controversial to be the stay at home mother who cooks, cleans, launders the clothing and caters to the whim of her husband. I have had many a woman condemn me for my 'backwards' thinking and belittling all of the work that women went through in the past to shatter those old roles.  And I agree, women were in a bad place. We were not seen as equals. Our labors of love were not appreciated and expected of us. And I think women did need to get out of those roles if only to make those changes and break down those roles. I have immense respect for career women, for single moms who work three jobs. For any one who tries to parent and keep a home in these hard economic times. BUT, I think there is a time for some of us to go back. It is not for everyone. But one should not feel ashamed of being called a housewife, a homemaker.

One of my husbands favorite meals. Pork chops, apples, and stuffing.

 I think the biggest complaint I get is that I am letting myself become a slave to my husband. This is most definitely not the case. My husband works a hard job. A physical laborer, he works many hours a week in harsh temperatures to bring home enough money for us to live comfortably. It is in my opinion that in the balance of the marriage, since I make only a small percentage of the income, he deserves to have clean clothes, hot food, and a tidy house. (Tidy, not obscenely clean. This is a farm after all!) I care for the livestock. I pay the bills and keep the budget. Buy our food and keep a stockpile on hand. Grow the garden. And for the first 5 years of my childs life, I was able to raise him myself. This is precious to me and I would not change a thing about it. 

Athena, an Arucauna chicken.

In the end, I think a satisfying life is one in which you do what makes you happy every day. Instead of toiling year after near in a job you dislike, just to make money so that you can continue working in the job you dislike. So that you can set your countdown clock for your retirement day. The day you will finally begin to live your life.
